Integrity in Recordkeeping


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Submitted By
Arthur Doughty
Votes: 109

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The day to day records of government are the foundation of accountability, transparency and the rule of law.  Effective recordkeeping enables government to manage ongoing operations, deliver programs and services, and ensure accountability, stewardship, evaluation, audit, access to information, privacy, security and the continuity of government admin. Justice Gomery noted that he did not trust the integrity of the official record and advised that there should be a legal requirement for “mandatory record-keeping in government”.

Subsequent reports by the Information Commissioner and by the Auditor General have highlighted the absence of records and recent events have brought to light issues with regard to the records of ministers’ offices.  Others note the emergence of an 'oral culture' at senior levels.  Effective recordkeeping must be done with integrity and become part of the culture of all who are paid by the public.

Pass and implement mandatory recordkeeping legislation requiring that all government ministers, ministerial office staff, and the employees of all government departments and agencies create, maintain and archive a record of all actions, decisions and transactions. Establish auditable standards for records.

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