Chapitre sur la grippe du Guide canadien d’immunisation et Déclaration sur la vaccination antigrippale pour la saison 2021-2022

Chapitre sur la grippe du Guide canadien d’immunisation et Déclaration sur la vaccination antigrippale pour la saison 2021-2022 Annual recommendations on the use of influenza vaccine in Canada are developed by the NACI Influenza Working Group (IWG) for consideration by NACI. Recommendations are developed based on a review of a variety of issues, which can include: the burden of influenza illness and the target populations for vaccination; efficacy, effectiveness, immunogenicity, and safety of influenza vaccines; vaccine schedules; and other aspects of influenza immunization. In addition, PHAC has expanded the mandate of NACI to include the consideration of programmatic factors in developing their recommendations to facilitate timely decision-making for publicly funded vaccine programs at provincial and territorial levels. These programmatic factors include economics, ethics, equity, feasibility, and acceptability. 2021-10-23 Agence de la santé publique du Canada Santé et sécuritévaccingrippeComitéconsultatifnationall’immunisationUne déclarationd'un comité consultatifDCCCCNIARNAcideribonucléiqueCDCCenters for Disease ControlPreventionDINNumérod'identificationmédicamentECREssaicontrôlérandomiséÉIÉvènementsindésirablesESSIEPEfficacitépotentielleréelleEffetsecondairesuivantGCIGuidecanadienHAARTHAHémagglutinineTraitementantirétroviralhautementactifICIntervalleconfianceIgImmunoglobulineIMIntramusculaireIMCIndicemassecorporelleIMPACTProgrammecanadiensurveillancactivedeMGTMoyennegéométriquetitresNANeuraminidaseOMSOrganisationmondialeSantéPSProfessionnelsantéRMGTRapportde la moyennegéométriquetitresRROVaccin contrerougeolerubéoleoreillonsSCSESSISystèmecanadiensurveillanceSGBSyndromeGuillain-BarréSORSyndromeoculo-respiratoireTNDNTroublesneurologiquesdéveloppementneurologiqueTSTravailleursantéUFFUnitéfoyersfluorescentsVIIVaccininactivécontrel'influenzaVII3Vaccin trivalentinactivécontreVII3-AdjVaccininactivécontreadjuvantVII3-SDVaccintrivalentinactivécontredosestandardVII3-HDtrivalentcontrehauteVII4quadrivalentVII4-SDVIHVirusimmunodéficiencehumaineVRZrecombinantzonaVVAIvivantatténuéVVAI3atténuéVVAI4 Chapitre sur la grippe du Guide canadien d’immunisation et Déclaration sur la vaccination antigrippale pour la saison 2021-2022HTML Chapitre sur la grippe du Guide canadien d’immunisation et Déclaration sur la vaccination antigrippale pour la saison 2021-2022HTML

Annual recommendations on the use of influenza vaccine in Canada are developed by the NACI Influenza Working Group (IWG) for consideration by NACI. Recommendations are developed based on a review of a variety of issues, which can include: the burden of influenza illness and the target populations for vaccination; efficacy, effectiveness, immunogenicity, and safety of influenza vaccines; vaccine schedules; and other aspects of influenza immunization. In addition, PHAC has expanded the mandate of NACI to include the consideration of programmatic factors in developing their recommendations to facilitate timely decision-making for publicly funded vaccine programs at provincial and territorial levels. These programmatic factors include economics, ethics, equity, feasibility, and acceptability.

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