Statistiques sur la criminalité - Jeunes inculpés et non inculpés par catégorie d'infraction (niveau provincial)

Crime Statistics - Youth Charged and Not Charged by Offence Category (provincial level) The dataset includes incident-based crime statistics at the provincial level. Statistics included in the dataset are the number of youth charged or not charged, and rates per 100,000 youth population for total Criminal Code violations (excluding traffic), total violent Criminal Code violations, total property crime violations, and total other Criminal Code violations. This data is sourced from Statistics Canada through CANSIM. 2023-11-08 Gouvernment de la Nouvelle-Écosse Droit Nova Scotia original metadata ( Crime Statistics - Youth Charged and Not Charged by Offence Category (provincial level) (CSV)CSV Crime Statistics - Youth Charged and Not Charged by Offence Category (provincial level) (CSV Excel)CSV Crime Statistics - Youth Charged and Not Charged by Offence Category (provincial level) (CSV Excel (EU))CSV Crime Statistics - Youth Charged and Not Charged by Offence Category (provincial level) (TSV)other Crime Statistics - Youth Charged and Not Charged by Offence Category (provincial level) (RDF)RDF Crime Statistics - Youth Charged and Not Charged by Offence Category (provincial level) (RSS)RSS Crime Statistics - Youth Charged and Not Charged by Offence Category (provincial level) (XML)XML

L'ensemble de données comprend des statistiques sur la criminalité basées sur les incidents au niveau provincial. Les statistiques incluses dans l'ensemble de données sont le nombre de jeunes inculpés ou non inculpés et les taux pour 100 000 jeunes pour le total des infractions au Code criminel (à l'exception de la circulation), le total des infractions violentes au Code criminel, le total des infractions aux crimes contre les biens et le total des autres infractions au Code criminel. Ces données proviennent de Statistique Canada par l'intermédiaire de CANSIM.

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