COVID-19: How vaccines are developed

COVID-19: How vaccines are developed Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious disease, but developing one can be costly, long, and complex. A safe and effective vaccine will bring us one step closer to the widespread and long-term management of COVID-19. 2021-01-29 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyCOVID-19Coronavirusvideovaccinesyringeexploratorypre-clinicalclinicalresearchvirus COVID-19: How vaccines are developed HTML COVID-19: How vaccines are developed HTML COVID-19: How vaccines are developed (described video)HTML COVID-19: How vaccines are developed (described video)HTML

Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious disease, but developing one can be costly, long, and complex. A safe and effective vaccine will bring us one step closer to the widespread and long-term management of COVID-19.

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