Canada Codes! CODE 2014 – Winners Showcase


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Explore award-winning applications developed by Canadians as part of government open data competitions, including the Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE). CODE 2014 was well received and has become the largest competitive hackathon in Canada. Many thanks again to all those who helped make it a huge success.

Congratulations to the CODE 2014 winners:

Top 15 Apps from CODE 2014

1. Canadian Travellers
  • Team: 3lywa
  • Description: Canadian Travellers is an app that informs the Canadian public of issues affecting the security and well-being of Canadians travelling abroad.
  • Datasets used:
2. Charity Pie
  • Team: Nobis Studios
  • Description: Charity Pie is a mobile application focused on keeping Canadians informed and accountable in their role as global citizens. Users can see the total dollars contributed to a given country, and how it ranks on a global scale.
  • Datasets used:
3. Where 2 LIVE
4. Squalid Salad
  • Team: DemoFirst
  • Description: Squalid Salad informs parents of the likelihood of injuries to children, by age group, in different areas of the home, and provides age-appropriate suggestions for making the home safer.
  • Datasets used:
5. International Assistance Map
  • Team: Spitballz
  • Description: International Assistance Map shows Canada’s international assistance dollars broken down by year and recipient country. It also compares assistance dollars to neighboring countries and shows country rankings over a given time period.
  • Datasets used:
6. Canadian Industries
7. Cultural Business App
  • Team: Mintah
  • Description: Cultural Business App shows Canadian cultural diversity in the context of the world, displays relative ethnic group distributions in Canadian cities, and allows business' to market to cultural groups within identified areas. 
  • Datasets used:
8. newRoots (Champion and CODE Fan Favourite)
9. FarmSpot
10. A Healthier Commute (Runner-up)
11. Munchables
  • Team: SuperSymmetry
  • Description: Munchables raises awareness of food nutrition by leading users through a series of trivia questions about the relative healthiness of the foods around them.
  • Datasets used:
12. Flu Clinic
  • Team: Coding Force
  • Description: Flu Clinic helps users to be aware of when they should get timely flu shots so that they stay healthy and productive.
  • Datasets used:
13. Deep Breath (Third Place)
  • Team: Big Yellow Cat
  • Description: The Trade Radar (TRADAR) helps students determine what trade to pursue in school by predicting future demand across Canada based on expected retirement numbers.
  • Datasets used:
15. CAN Fuel
  • Team: Moyers & Stark
  • Description: CANFuel allows users to research and compare the fuel efficiency of cars by year, make, and model, and includes tips about maximizing fuel efficiency, as well as information about recalls.
  • Datasets used:
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